Title: Jaghanya – Gaddar Part 2
Genre: Drama | Romance
Release Date: 2022
Language: Hindi
Quality: 480p WEB-DL | 720p WEB-DL | 1080p WEB-DL
Audio: AAC 2.0CH
Format: MKV
Subtitles: No
Size: Various
Inspector Arun and his associate Vikram is on a hunt to find the culprits of a brutally killed couple, Uday and Usha. The only suspects in the case are the victim’s own family. The investigation raises a question that was better unanswered, “Is blood really thicker than water?”. The answer to which will leave everyone in an array of disbelief and distraught.
- Adhvik Mahajan (Arun)
- Rajeev Bharadwaj (Vikram)
- Priya Mishra (Rupali)
- Keval Dasani (Kunal)
- Pallavi Sapra (Nisha)
- Raghav Vohra (Pawan)